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10 Reasons why now is the time to embrace working out online.

Updated: Jul 17, 2020

As the nation has risen to the challenge of staying fit and healthy during lockdown I thought I’d share with you some surprisingly positive things that have come out of running live and interactive classes online.

1. The convenience

Whether you choose to workout in your living room, your bedroom or outside (thank you beautiful weather!), being able to exercise from the comfort of your own home has some definite plus points.

2. It makes us accountable

Booking and paying for a live online class means that you are much more likely to turn up. … Admit it… how often have you watched an exercise video and got distracted or skipped the bits you knew were good for you but you didn’t like doing?

3. Classes tailored to meet your needs

Live classes mean that the instructor is able to watch you, tailor exercises for you, cue you in more detail.. in fact everything you would get from an in-studio experience just without the hands-on correction.

4. Distance is no longer a barrier

Suddenly you can be anywhere and log into an online class. Not only have our online classes been attracting people from around the UK but we have also been joined by people in Italy, Kenya and Australia. It’s awesome to be doing a morning Hiit session whilst the sun is setting in the garden of a participant in Melbourne!

5. Work out with friends and family

So, as distance is no longer a barrier, what a great opportunity this is to exercise with friends and family from further afield. Research has shown that working out with friends and family will keep you motivated, so go and find your exercise buddy.

6. Try something new

So, as distance is no longer a barrier, what a great opportunity this is to exercise with friends and family from further afield. Research has shown that working out with friends and family will keep you motivated, so go and find your exercise buddy.

7. Feel part of a community

Joining an interactive online class rather than watching a video means that you are not exercising alone. You still feel supported and connected to others, including your instructor.

8. No time wasted travelling

That mad dash to make the class is no longer an issue. Think of what you can do with that additional time added to your day.

9. Do your bit for the environment

Unless you are lucky enough to live close enough to your studio and can walk or cycle there, then just think about the fewer number of journeys you will be making and, consequently, the reduction in your carbon footprint and environmental impact. David Attenborough will be proud of you.

10. No weather worries

It’s hard to believe it as we are basking in glorious sunshine, but on those days when it’s blowing a gale and there’s torrential rain, the snow is deep or the roads are icy, how lovely to know that you don’t actually have to leave the house to get to your class. No excuses then!

So if you haven’t joined us already, head over to our website and book yourself in. Who knows... you might just love it!

Take a look at out online classes:

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