Times are a little bit strange at the moment and we are all trying to find our new normal. You may be feeling lonely, unmotivated or frustrated but for those of us not working on the front line, we could also look at it like this: we have been given an incredible opportunity to focus on building ourselves.
This is a time when we can evaluate our lives and take proactive steps to change the things we are not happy with and pursue the things that mean more to us.
I know we are restricted from doing so many things at the moment but what this time has done is make us think creatively. How many of us are talking to friends rather than sending a quick text or Whats App; having virtual get-togethers; spending more time in nature or cooking?
We have also had to find a new normal with our fitness routine but luckily the fitness industry has risen to the challenge and there are lots of classes available online.
Follow these tips to get the most out of your time in isolation.

Choose something you enjoy
This is probably the most important rule! If you are not happy doing something then you probably won’t stick at it. So make sure that your workout is something you love and look forward to.

Be adventurous
If you’ve ever wanted to try a dance class or lacked the confidence to join a Pilates or yoga class then maybe now is the time. With platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams you can be part of an interactive class from the comfort of your living room. The beauty of these classes is that the instructor is able to see and communicate with you, giving you all the support and encouragement you need to keep you motivated.

It’s so easy to put things off so planning your fitness routine can really help to add structure to your days and keep you committed. Book your classes for the week ahead and remember to choose what works best for you.
Check out our online classes: https://www.spacefitnessandwellbeing.co.uk/book-online

Get Outside
Nothing beats being in nature so if you can get outside then do. Cycling, walking and running are all great options but perhaps you could enjoy a workout in your garden or just sit with a coffee and listen to the sounds of nature all around us. An upside of the current situation is that the air is less polluted, the roads are less busy and the birdlife is amazing,

Try something new
This could be your opportunity to start to meditate, learn a language or take up a new exercise. List those things that you have put off because you never had time and choose one thing to act on.
Use this precious time wisely and come back from it a healthier, stronger version of you.
